Monday 4 May 2009

Thank you...

I had some great chats last week. Some people really get the idea; that this is a great chance to mobilise donors and challenge traditional giving ideas. While others are skeptical as to the motivations behind it and some even outright dismissive. However, one person has been brilliantly responsive and at a BBQ last week started throwing more and more ideas at me - talk about an exciting chat. Dan Dawson ( is a highly talented graphic designer, pre and post production specialist and all around great guy. We got into a discussion about presence on the internet and he immediately took me to his computer and registered "" and ""!!! Not only has he refused re-ibmursement for this (officially our first donation!) but he has offered to host and oversee the website as well. This is staggering news for the project. Thank you Dan - not only for "getting" the idea but also for bouncing some new ideas around and being exceptionally generous with both your time and money. It's great to have someone so talented on board at such an early stage. Thanks again!